…Please bear with me today – I am in “preacher” mode – what brought this on was that my girfriend took a package of the chemical shitstorm also known as "Sweet n Low" sweetner to our table at a cafe this Saturday. I have been holding in this speach ever since so here it comes:
If I where a PR agent I would offer a free can of ZEVIA soda to everyone on the planet. Since no one can resist free stuff the whole world would soon enough be hooked on this orange wonder.
This is healty crack, but still crack. I washed down 6 cans a day of this stuff while I was pregnant –I gave William a small taste of the soda when he was around 4 months and he went crazy and I litterally had to wrestle him to get back my glass – I kid you not. So why would I give a baby soda? Well this is good soda, no nasty stuff in this one:
What is great about this soda (besides the taste) is that it holds no calories and is still 100% naturel – all because it is a “Stevia soda”.
OK – let’s start at the beginning: I told you about the book “Skinny bitch” right? Well, that book has a chapter called - "Sugar is the Devil", it reads:
“We all know how difficult it is to stay away from sugar. But if you don’t exorcise this demon from your diet, you will never be a Skinny Bitch….” - or a healthy one for that matter.
…OK….A very good way to do this is by replaceing your refined sugar intake with Stevia or other natural sweeteners. The book holds a ton of scientific reasons and empirical evidence as to why we should eliminate artificial sweeteners all together, so no more diet coke (liquid satan) folks.I use Stevia sweetner for hot coco, smoothies, sodastream sodas and pretty much everything else that needs to be sweet.
Stevia is quite new to Europe, but avaiable online and in some heathstores (Life if you live in norway).
There - it's out of my system...phewww