Monday, January 31, 2011

Zara goes Alexander Wang – yet again

It seems Zara got the Alexander Wang SS2010 bug and made this very AW-like t-shirt. I ran down and got one in my local Zara and it is a decent quality and a good fit for the price, no it is not a design classic like the original – but it still works with baggy shorts and ballet flats
Zara t-shirt, Chanel ballet flats, CC Skye bracelet

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

One of those ideas I wish I had…

In fear that my little guy would strangle himself in the string conneting his two little mittens to his snowsuit, I went ahead and cut the mittens loose.
Within hours one little mitten had gone missing, so new ones was needed. This is how I stumbled upon the Danish brand Mormor – the name is Danish for grandmother.

The company is formed by a group of “mormors” (youngest mormor is 68 years old) who are awesome at knitting – they make the CUTEST stuff and as an extra bonus every item as a little slip on it saying who knitted the item you bought. Such a great idea!

William’s new mittens is knitted by mormor Lisbeth Jensen – now I just need to find her in the phonebook asking her to produce just one little duplicate mitten – as there is a very good reason there is only one in the picture above. Arrgh it took me 42 hours to loose one this time!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Victoria Beckhams new handbag line!

Who would have thought that 90ies star Victoria Beckham stopped wearing fake hair and chaps and became a succesfull fashion designer featured on New York fashion week?  I guess she woke up from just being a footballers wife and decided to free the world of the decease that is flat shoes and plastic handbags.
Her new bag line just released  yesterday to the US NETAPORTER and I like it lot – a little on the pricy side though for a brand that is just establising.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How do you take your oils?

At my age (honestly any age to the right of 20) we all know that taking care of your skin needs to be a priority and protecting it from the awful decease that is wrinkles or “fine lines” is a lifelong quest – or so it seems anyway.
Mind you – I got them! I know they are the result of all the time I laughed and cried – the life I lived so far – I am just not mature enough to appreciate them just yet. I find that adding oils (the right fatty acids) to your diet helps my skin smooth out and look alive, so yes – I am a heavy oil drinker.
Udo’s choice is my top pick as it combines a little of all the good stuff.
In the US my local organic grocery store would have a whole fridge full of lovely eatable oils – upon moving back to Europe I find I have to work a little to find the good stuff, but most health stores in both Denmark and Norway carries Udo’s choice oil.
I take my oil in the morning with a row of 70% chocolate, almonds, avocado and often a berry smoothie/juice as a side to my actual breakfast. Yes, it is a calorie heavy meal – but it is all about prioritizing right? Besides I would take a few extra pounds to a worn rough face any day.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A (brand new) fur conscience

I had it all planned in my heard. When moving to Norway I would buy a really nice fur. A chic grey mink – just long enough to cover my behind. I would wear it with black denim and biker boots – it would be awesome... But then this unpleasant thing happened – I grew a fur conscience, which must truly be a sign of the apocalypse or ragnarok (as we call here in northern Europe), because I really LOVED fur.
Might I add, fur-loving is in my genes, be that an excuse or not. My grandmother was on occasion (every Christmas eve) sporting a big brown mink that made her look like a huge brown bear. This coat would hang in her closet all year – only to be taken out, dusted off and worn for Christmas. On my father’s side, my grandmother had a long silver mink with a giant matching “Russian” hat. I felt great envy as a kid when putting on my good-for-nothing snowsuit while looking at all that fur glory.
But then something changed in a weird way last winter. When out walking the dogs (in my coyote fur vest) I suddenly saw a gross resemblance from the fur vest on my back - to the fur walking at the end of my leash – not a nice thought!

I have to be honest and say that my love for fur never worked well with my semi vegetarian ways (read Skinny bitch – by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin – and chances are you will change your meat-loving ways as well), so a change was welcome!
The final turn around  came when I was out and about in Oslo just this week – I saw this picture and just stopped. This panicked mink with part of its ear bitten off was staring at me from a street poster – and all I could think about was how utterly ridicules and narcissistic fashion can be, so no fur for me!

 I will bear the cold in wool and with a good fur conscience!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The bag that makes me nervous…

By accident I stumbled upon an old episode of the Rachel Zoe project earlier today. I can’t say that I followed the episodes storyline closely, as I could not concentrate on anything else than the dark green Birkin staring directly at me… A Birkin bag makes me nervous in the best possible way.  Eventually the story moved on with some nagging from Rachel’s husband and something about statement jewelry – and I could relax and continue my evening...
Picture source:

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Silky things

I am just going to go ahead and assume that you know about - if not, you better get yourself familiarized ASAP - stop reading this good for nothing blog and go HERE. In a nutshell the Outnet is the online outlet store for the mother of all online boutiques Net-a-porter. With savings from 30%-80% you can get some real bargains, even if you have to pay the extra cost of international shipping.
Sign up for their newsletter on the site and get alerts when new stuff comes in.

Just before we left the US I got these little white things packed with La Perla goodies (and I saved 40%-60%  :)